They have been working with "Mosie" for the past year. He was found with a broken wing. This was an emotional time for the volunteers.
There was a round of cheering for him once he took off.
We went to an early (5:30 am. eek!) bald eagle watch this past Saturday. After the trauma of leaving so early (I'm sure it had nothing to do with the fact that I stayed out until 1:02 at a booksale/dinner with a couple of my favorite girlfriends...)we had a wonderful time. It is so amazing to see these majestic creatures sitting on their aeries (aka nests) getting ready to head out for a day of hunting. (I have to wonder what they were thinking about the crazy humans with the red noses staring at them). This is one of my favorite ways to teach the kids about God's greatness-being in nature (though not always at 5:30 in the morning).
Our dear friend, Ms. Chris who was also at the eagle watch, invited us to visit her audubon group, last night. I was so excited. I had been praying for a way to work birding into our schooling for a couple of years now and just couldn't seem to do it (seeing that this is something I know little about makes it even more daunting). We had a great time. Their speaker happened to be a gentlemen that had led a birding expedition we went to last fall so the kids had that connection and the group made my kids feel very welcome and invited us back for their meeting next month. God is so good (read: never quite praying).
We have started our new science curriculum, 106 Days of Creation by Charlotte Mason. We love it! The kids are each creating their own Creation Notebook (that they are so proud of!). Each lesson we read from the Bible and the kids will narrate, or draw, complete an experiment or do a combination of . This experiment on the atmosphere really cool. We took a candle, a bowl with colored water and a jar to demonstrate how the flame uses up the oxygen gas in the jar, the water level will rise to replace the oxygen. When all the oxygen has been used up leaving only nitrogen, the flame will go out (every single time, trust me we did it several times, did I mention really cool).